How to Help
There is nothing more powerful than prayer!
Pray for the mission of Fr Raymond Portelli in Iquitos. Pray for our group who will be helping him. Pray for our health and for our work. May the Lord bless the work we will be doing. Pray also for all those who we will be helping during our expedition.
But also do pray for all the missionaries who leave their country to serve God’s call in a foreign land.
Prayer is powerful… But in the end we still need money to buy paint, cement, foodstuffs, medicines, stationery items, etc.
If you can donate something, whatever the amount, you can do so by pressing the button below. You will be taken to the Missio Malta website where you can make your donation.
NOTE: Please type “ROAD TO PERU” in the space near “Donation cause”.
All donations, large or small, it will definitely have a tangible impact. Every cent is valuable and can save lives or give back dignity to those from whom it was taken away.
Share & Support!
One person can only so much, but if that one person can let others know about this initiative, and they in turn share it with others, we can get hundreds of people involved.
Spread the word through word of mouth or through social media.
Follow us on our social media in order to see what we will be doing, and what experiences we are encountering. Comment and support us through social media… The experience can be tough at times, your words of support mean the world to us, especially in these circumstances!
Let us live this experience together!